Friday, September 01, 2006

Hafizah (Jalan Kebangsaan, 30th August, 2006)

Rain in the Rainforest

I must agree that the second jungle trekking was more challenging than the first. It had more obstacles, slippery slopes (and more slips), team effort, camaraderie, wet pants, squelchy shoes, and of course much more fun!

When we started our journey into the forest (5:15 pm), it had already begun to drizzle, and it continued throughout the trekking activity. However, being in the forest, with all the trees and foliage “filtering” the raindrops, we didn’t really get wet. However, we did get wet when we crossed a small stream in the jungle. Since the log that functioned as a bridge had partially sunken into the stream, we had no choice but to wade across. The water was knee-deep, filled with branches and had a squashy, muddy base. I actually slipped into the stream, accidentally of course. I hope nobody thought that I did it out of excitement. *LOL*

Overall, the trek was like an obstacle course. We had to climb up and down steep and slippery hills, go through dense ferns, cross a couple of streams, walk over and under fallen logs … that’s it, I guess. Hm… I thought that the experience would aggravate the cold that I had, but I was mistaken completely! The green experience instead was therapeutic; I felt much better after that! (‘ ‘,)

We emerged from the woods at around 6:20 pm.

Trekking activity number two, you deserve a 9/10!

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